Is leaving the Catholic Church a Sin?

Is leaving the one true Catholic Church considered as “SIN against the holy spirit”?

Indeed it is!

Jesus said, “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the sin against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Furthermore, whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come” (Matthew 12: 22-32).

A simple understanding of this matter is what we call “Renunciation of Faith.” For example, a Catholic leaves his/her faith what does it mean? It suggests that he/she will no longer believe in the traditional doctrine of the church. He will no longer partake in the Eucharist which is our heavenly food that nourishes our soul. He will no longer believe in the symbolism of the cross, he will refuse to receive the sacraments. The sad thing is that he will never again attend the Holy Eucharist which is the highest form of Worship long before and was practiced in the apostolic era. These are just some of the sad realities if one would leave the church.

That’s why the church has a dictum called “EXTRA ECCLESIAM NULLA SALUS” which means “There is no Salvation outside the Church.” But before reacting to the said decree we must need to understand that it doesn’t mean only Catholics will be saved, it does not mean that if you are a Catholic, you are saved already. Though it pertains to those baptized members of the Catholic church who chose to reject their faith, and they detached everything from the faith. This assertion reminds us that salvation is not possible for those who died in these state having a failure to reconcile themselves from the church.

I do understand that Religion or being a baptized member of the church is not an assurance of salvation because we will be judged according to our works but don’t forget that the church was established by our Lord God Jesus Christ to be our way to obtain salvation. Apostasy was a grave offense against God because that act means disobedience in the earthly authority established by God that’s why Jesus highlighted in Matthew 12: 22-32 that, the Sin against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable.

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. (Hebrews 13: 17)

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven(Matthew 16: 19)

Question: when is the time that we can say sin is unforgivable?
Answer: If a person dies on the stage of unrepentance and having a failure to reconcile himself to the True Church of Christ. FINAL IMPENITENCE! In fact, salvation is offered to all whether you are born a Protestant or a Catholic as our God is God of all. Those essentials merited by Protestants in their salvation is because of the essential elements from the Catholic Church and not from themselves or from their sect. What we’re trying to say here is the distinct closure of salvation to those apostate ones especially those heretics who aim to destroy the one True Church.

I am inviting you to go back to the Catholic Church. God is merciful! Confession is biblical, don’t be afraid.

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View Comments (9)

  • This is so untrue! 1st off the bible clearly states that we should not worship any other idols! Why do the Catholics pray to the Virgin Mary. She only gave birth to Jesus. How can they say she intercedes our prayers makes no sense! And the crazy thing they have all these statues in the church. Jesus was not catholic. I don't understand is that on Monday thru Saturday a catholic can sin and then confess right before he goes to church on Sunday and take communion. Then it starts all over again sinning cause come Saturday you'll confess again. What's gonna happen if you die on Tuesday and you didn't confess? I left the catholic church and I am glad I did because I don't remember ever learning anything about Jesus when I went to catechism. They never taught us about the Bible just to memorize the 10 commandments. I have learned so much these past 2 years than I did when I was younger and going to church back then.

  • Sorry but NO it isn't a sin if the church isn't God's church to begin with. I know it isn't. It is a church perhaps sincerely for worship of God but by doctrine of man. Very happy to have left the pagan roman empire's version of Christianity. Happily and unregretably ex catholic.

    • Wickedness... like pedophile priests the church tried to hide or ignore from the public?? I personally can't stand for it or for a church that forces babies into a faith that really thinks babies have sin.

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