Catholic Bible in a Year
This is not the Readings at the Mass. For the Mass Readings, check the Mass Readings taken from the New Jerusalem Bible or the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible.
Simplest Bible in a Year plan compiled using the “Catholic Public Domain Version Bible“. This is not the Readings at the Mass. For the Mass Readings, check the Mass Readings taken from the New Jerusalem Bible or the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible.
Please send me daily readings
I’ve just come accross this site as I was looking for a friend for a Bible in a year reading plan. She has a group interested in this, although she thought she might be mixing Old Testament, Psalms and New Testament readings in one sitting. Have you a rough idea how long it would take to read one day? Thanks you for this facility and mat God bless you & yours!
Pls send me tamil catholic Bible reading in one year from January 2023 i want to start