1 Then Judith said to all the people: “Hear me, brothers. Suspend this head over our walls.
2 And, as soon as the sun rises, let everyone take up his weapons and go out to attack, not going down all the way, but only to seem as if making an assault.
3 Then the scouts will have to hurry to awaken their leader for the fight.
4 And when their commanders rush into the tabernacle of Holofernes, and they find his headless body wallowing in his blood, fear will fall over them.
5 And when you realize that they are fleeing, go after them in security, for the Lord will crush them under your feet.”
6 Then Achior, seeing the power that the God of Israel had wrought, left behind the rituals of the Gentiles. He believed in God, and he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and he was placed among the people of Israel, and so were all the succession of his kindred, even until this present day.
7 And soon, at the rising of day, they suspended the head of Holofernes above the walls, and every man took up his weapons, and they went out with a great uproar and howling.
8 When the scouts saw this, they rushed to the tent of Holofernes.
9 Moreover, those who were in the tent came and made a loud noise before the entrance to the bedchamber, hoping to awaken him by an attempt at skillful noise-making, not by intruding on him, so that Holofernes might be roused from sleep.
10 For no one dared to knock, or to open and enter, the bedchamber of the powerful leader of the Assyrians.
11 But when his commanders and tribunes had arrived, with all the chiefs of the army of the king of the Assyrians, they said to the chamberlains:
12 Enter and awaken him, for the mice have come out of their holes, intending to challenge us to fight.
13 Then Vagao, entering his bedchamber, stood before the curtain, and he made a clapping noise with his hands. For he suspected that he was sleeping with Judith.
14 But when, with attentiveness, he perceived no motion of anyone reclining, he approached the curtain. And lifting it up, he saw the dead body of Holofernes, without a head, lying on the ground, soaked in his own blood. He cried out with a loud voice and weeping, and he tore his garments.
15 And he entered the tent of Judith and did not find her. And he ran out to the people,
16 and he said: “One Hebrew woman has caused confusion in the house of Nebuchadnezzar the king. For behold, Holofernes lies on the ground, and his head is not with him.”
17 Now when the leaders of the army of the Assyrians had heard this, they all tore their garments, and an intolerable fear and trembling fell over them, and their minds were greatly disturbed.
18 And there was an unprecedented outcry in the midst of their camp.
1 And when the entire army had heard that Holofernes was beheaded, reason and resolution fled from them, and, being moved by trembling and fear alone, they thought only to flee to safety.
2 So then, no one spoke with his neighbor, but hanging their heads and leaving everything behind, they hurried to escape from the Hebrews, who, as they had heard, were advancing against them well-armed. And they fled through the ways of the fields and the paths of the hills.
3 And so, the sons of Israel, seeing them fleeing, pursued them. And they went down after them, sounding the trumpets and howling.
4 And, since the Assyrians were not united, they rushed headlong in their flight. But the sons of Israel, pursuing like one unit, struck down all they were able to find.
5 And so, Uzziah sent messengers through all the cities and regions of Israel.
6 And then, every region and every city sent their chosen young men with weapons after them, and they pursued them with the edge of the sword, until they passed through to the extremities of their borders.
7 But the remainder, who were in Bethulia, entered the camp of the Assyrians and took away the plunder that the Assyrians, in their flight, had left behind, and they were exceedingly burdened.
8 In truth, those who returned victorious to Bethulia brought with them everything that was theirs. So there was no numbering their cattle, and beasts, and everything they could carry, so much so that, from the least to the greatest, all were made rich by their spoils.
9 But Joachim, the high priest, came from Jerusalem to Bethulia with all his elders to see Judith.
10 And when she had gone out to him, they all blessed her with one voice, saying: “You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you are the honor of our people.
11 For you have acted manfully, and your heart has been strengthened. For you loved chastity, and, after your husband, you have not known any other. Therefore, also the hand of the Lord has strengthened you, and, therefore, you will be blessed for all eternity.”
12 And all the people said: “Amen. Amen.”
13 But all of thirty days were scarcely enough for the people of Israel to collect the spoils of the Assyrians.
14 But moreover, all of those things that were clearly the particular possessions of Holofernes they gave to Judith: with gold, and silver, and garments, and gems, and furniture. And these were all delivered to her by the people.
15 And all the people rejoiced, with the women, and the virgins, and the young men, playing on wind instruments and stringed instruments.
1 Then Judith sang this canticle to the Lord, saying:
2 Call to the Lord with drums, sing to the Lord with cymbals, play for him a new psalm, exalt and invoke his name.
3 The Lord crushes wars; the Lord is his name.
4 He has set up his camp in the midst of his people, to rescue us from the hand of all our enemies.
5 Assur came from the mountains, from the North, with the multitude of his strength. His multitude blockaded the torrents, and their horses covered the valleys.
6 He told himself that he would set fire to my borders, and kill my young men with the sword, to give my children into plunder and my virgins into captivity.
7 But the almighty Lord has harmed him, and he has delivered him into the hands of a woman, and he has pierced him through.
8 For their powerful one did not fall by young men, nor did the sons of Titan strike him, nor did lofty giants set themselves against him, but Judith, the daughter of Merari, dissolved him with the splendor of her face.
9 For she put away from herself the garments of widowhood, and she clothed herself with the garments of rejoicing, for the sake of the exultation of the sons of Israel.
10 She anointed her face with ointment, and she gathered the locks of her hair with a headdress; she accepted a new dress in order to deceive him.
11 Her sandals ravished his eyes; her beauty made his soul her captive; with a blade, she cut off his head.
12 The Persians were horrified at her constancy, and the Medes at her boldness.
13 Then the camp of the Assyrians howled, when my humble ones appeared, parched with thirst.
14 The sons of the servant girls have pierced them through, and, like fleeing servants, they have killed them. They perished in battle before the face of the Lord, my God.
15 Let us sing a canticle to the Lord; let us sing a new hymn to our God.
16 O Adonai, O Lord, you are great, and splendor is in your virtue, and no one is able to overcome you.
17 Let all your creatures serve you. For you spoke, and they became. You sent forth your Spirit, and they were created. And there is no one who can withstand your voice.
18 The mountains will be moved from the foundations by the waters. The rocks, like wax, will liquefy before your face.
19 But those who fear you will be great with you, throughout all things.
20 Woe to the people that rises up against my people. For the Lord almighty will be vindicated against them; in the day of judgment, he will visit them.
21 For he will bestow fire and worms on their flesh, so that they may burn and have sensations without ceasing.”
22 And it happened that, after these things, all the people came to Jerusalem after the victory, to adore the Lord. And as soon as they were purified, they all offered holocausts, and vows, and their promises.
23 Moreover, Judith offered all the implements of war from Holofernes, which the people gave to her, and the canopy that she had taken away from his chamber, as an anathema unto oblivion.
24 But the people were cheerful before the face of the sanctuary, and for three months the gladness of this victory was celebrated with Judith.
25 And after those days, each one returned to his own house, and Judith became great in Bethulia, and she had great splendor in all the land of Israel.
26 For chastity was one with her virtue, so that she did not know man all the days of her life, after the passing away of her husband, Manasseh.
27 And then, on feast days, she came forth with great glory.
28 But she remained in her husband’s house for one hundred and five years, and she set her handmaid free. And she passed away and was buried with her husband in Bethulia.
29 And all the people mourned her, for seven days.
30 And, during all the time of her life, there was no one who disturbed Israel, nor for many years after her death.
31 Moreover, the day of the festivity of this victory was accepted by the Hebrews in the numbering of holy days, and it was religiously observed by the Jews, from that time, even to the present day.
1 A Prayer of Habakkuk the Prophet on Behalf of Those Who Are Ignorant.
2 Lord, I heard what has been said about you, and I was afraid. Lord, your work, in the midst of years, revive it. In the midst of years, you will make it known. When you have become angry, you will remember mercy.
3 God will come from the south, and the Holy One from mount Pharan. His glory has covered the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise.
4 His brightness shall be like the light; horns are in his hands. There, his strength has been hidden.
5 Death will go forth before his face. And the devil shall depart before his feet.
6 He stood, and measured the earth. He looked, and dissolved the Gentiles. And the mountains of ages past have been shattered. The hills of the world became curved by the journeys of his eternity.
7 I saw the tents of Ethiopia for their iniquity; the tent-skins of the land of Midian will be thrown into confusion.
8 Could you have been angry with the rivers, Lord? Or was your fury within the rivers, or your indignation in the sea? He will ascend upon your horses, and your four-horse chariots are salvation.
9 Being stirred up, you will take up your bow, the oaths you have spoken to the tribes. You will split apart the Rivers of the earth.
10 They saw you, and the mountains grieved. The great body of waters crossed over. The abyss uttered its voice. The pinnacle lifted up its hands.
11 The sun and the moon have stood firm in their dwelling place; with the light of your arrows, they shall go forth in the splendor of your flashing spear.
12 With a roar, you will trample the earth. In your fury, you will cause the nations to be stupefied.
13 You have gone forth for the salvation of your people, for salvation with your Christ. You struck the head of the house of the impious. You have laid bare his foundation all the way to the neck.
14 You have cursed his scepters, the head of his warriors, those who approached like a whirlwind so as to scatter me. Their exultation was like one who devours the poor in secret.
15 You made a way in the sea for your horses, in the mud of great waters.
16 I heard, and my stomach became troubled. My lips trembled at the voice. Let decay enter into my bones and gush forth from within me. Then I may rest in the day of tribulation, so that I may ascend to our people well-prepared.
17 For the fig tree will not flower, and there will be no bud on the vines. The labor of the olive tree will be misleading, and the farmland will produce no food. The sheep will be cut off from the sheepfold, and there will be no herd at the manger.
18 But I will rejoice in the Lord; and I will exult in God my Jesus.
19 The Lord God is my strength. And he will set my feet like those of the stag. And he, the victor, will lead me beyond my high places while singing psalms.
20 This is the work of them who detract me before the Lord; and who speak evils against my soul.
21 But thou, O Lord, do with for thy names sake: because thy mercy is sweet. Do thou deliver me.
22 For I am poor and needy, and my heart is troubled within me.
23 I am taken away like the shadow when it declineth: and I am shaken off as locusts.
24 My knees are weakened through fasting: and my flesh is changed for oil.
25 And I am become a reproach to them: they saw me and they shaked their heads,
26 Help me, O Lord my God; save me according to thy mercy.
27 And let them know that this is thy hand: and that thou, O Lord, hast done it.
1 O senseless Galatians, who has so fascinated you that you would not obey the truth, even though Jesus Christ has been presented before your eyes, crucified among you?
2 I wish to know only this from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
3 Are you so foolish that, though you began with the Spirit, you would now end with the flesh?
4 Have you been suffering so much without a reason? If so, then it is in vain.
5 Therefore, does he who distributes the Spirit to you, and who works miracles among you, act by the works of the law, or by the hearing of the faith?
6 It is just as it was written: “Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.”
7 Therefore, know that those who are of faith, these are the sons of Abraham.
8 Thus Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, foretold to Abraham: “All nations shall be blessed in you.”
9 And so, those who are of faith shall be blessed with faithful Abraham.
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse. For it has been written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all the things that have been written in the book of the Law, so as to do them.”
11 And, since in the law no one is justified with God, this is manifest: “For the just man lives by faith.”
12 But the law is not of faith; instead, “he who does these things shall live by them.”
13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, since he became a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is anyone who hangs from a tree.”
14 This was so that the blessing of Abraham might reach the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, in order that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
15 Brothers (I speak according to man), if a man’s testament has been confirmed, no one would reject it or add to it.