Sunday Reflection – 01 October 2023

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Also Read: Mass Readings for 01 October 2023 Homily for 01 October 2023 – Sunday

First Reading: Ezekiel 18: 25-28

26 When the righteous turn away from their righteousness and commit iniquity, they shall die for it; for the iniquity that they have committed, they shall die.

We are clearly warned here that once we know the Lord and then turn away from him; we are at a greater peril! Those who in ignorance ran away from the Lord and then realized their mistake; turn back to him, and receive their salvation. Therefore, let us remain faithful to the Lord. Let us be committed to the way our Lord has shown us! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 25: 4-9

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right and teaches the humble his way.

Teach us O Lord and Let us Learn your ways. Amen!

Second Reading: Philippians 2: 1-11

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.

Here, St. Paul offers both an instruction and a blessing! When the instruction is implemented, it becomes a blessing! In the previous verses, he provides the navigation tools we need to forge ahead!

Do nothing from selfish ambition or empty conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests but to the interests of others.

We can recognize God’s kingdom alive and active here on Earth when we see the above words being fulfilled in the work of His servants everywhere. We find them usually in church communities and parishes. But there are others too who privately and silently work in the Lord’s vineyard. Praise God!

Permit us, O Lord to follow the beacon of your words as we navigate the ocean of our lives.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Gospel: Matthew 21: 28-32

32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him, and even after you saw it you did not change your minds and believe him.

We hear the Lord speaking to us in different ways. Let us be obedient to listen to his voice and “Do” what he asks us. Let us take the step out of the boat of our comfort and focus on Christ. May the Holy Spirit give us the courage to do as Jesus says. Let us put our faith into action. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Maryanne Cardoz-Mascarenhas: Maryanne Cardoz-Mascarenhas is a Former Teacher and an avid Bible-Reader. With her flair for the language, she now divides her time blogging and writing on Catholic and other Spiritual topics. When not volunteering she loves baking, reading, and singing.
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