Sunday Homily – 16 October 2022


Also Read: Mass Readings for 16 October 2022 Mass Reading Reflection for 16 October 2022

Gospel: Luke 18: 1-8

God is not an unjust judge, but a loving father; we are not hapless widows left to fend for ourselves, but children of Almighty God.

The persistence of the widow changed the mind of the unjust judge, our persistent prayer is not going to change God, it is going to change us. Because we matter to Him, He had stored everything good for us. He gives them when we condition ourselves with our persistent prayers. When we condition ourselves well with our prayers, He is waiting to give us more than what we had asked for. After all, He gave us a lot without even us bother asking Him, and without even we hardly recognize them.

As children, we harassed our parents for candies, ice creams, and toys, but it was the homely meals that really built us; and it was those medicines and injections we resisted that healed us of our infirmities; more than the toys the education built us. For those bicycles and watches that our parents intended to gift us, they made us work hard. More than our loving parents; He takes pride in us when we strive to achieve.  The judge of the story settled her case to escape her presence in his vicinity; God is looking forward to having our presence in His vicinity.

A responsible parent shall limit the supply of candies and ice creams; so does God, He may not grant everything we are asking for, because He has better plans for us.  He loves to see us strong, trustworthy, and faithful.

If the consistent prayer of the widow changed the heart of an unjust judge, our constant prayer is going to change us to be worthy recipients of Heavenly gifts. More than everything else our consistent prayers shall help us to realize our true worth, we are children of God; we are not orphans left to the mercy of anyone.

Face your persistent problem again, and tell it on the face: “you can do me no harm, for I am a child of God the Almighty.” 


Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI: Hello, I am Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI, a Catholic priest belonging to the Indian Carmelite order, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), founded by three pious 19th-century priests: Fr. Thomas Palackal, Fr. Thomas Porukara, and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. Currently, I work as a missionary priest working in Peru. May God bless you all!
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