Easter Homily – 17 April 2022

Easter – The Empty Tomb.

Also Read: Mass Readings for 17 April 2022 Mass Reading Reflection for 17 April 2022

The tomb is supposed to be the final confinement no man can escape. But tonight, we contemplate an empty tomb. Through the empty tomb, Jesus tells you and me that we are not destined to end in a tomb.

When one is dead, the relatives and friends take the body to the destined tomb. But many send their souls and mind to the tomb much ahead of their funeral. Many walk around with their bodies, but they happily buried themselves. This Eater asks you to come out of your grave and live with Jesus!

Come out of your grave and live a free life. Because it is Jesus who has set you free.

Jesus has set you from the chains of sins, using His blood, shed on the Cross. Now live free, never again going back to the tombs of sin.

Break your chains and remove the heavy stone of pride that has confined you. Jesus is inviting you to a new life, a free and light life.

Jesus has set you free from the bondage of hatred. Now live free of hatred. Because when you hate someone, you let yourself be under the bondage of hate.

Be free and celebrate the victory of everyone you know; because if you are uncomfortable with the victory of anyone, you are under the chains of jealousy.

Break the chains of greed and celebrate Easter; because Jesus has assured us that we have a Father in Heaven taking care of our needs.

If you have happily buried yourself in the tomb of lust, Jesus invites you to come out and live a committed life with your spouse blessed and received at the altar.

If you are lying in the tomb of laziness, with chains of social media firmly in place, Jesus is standing in front of you and calling, as He called Lazar, to come out and joyfully live a responsible life.

Be graceful and grateful at your table. Enjoy what is set for you, never forgetting that you eat to live and not live to eat! Take care not to return to the tomb of the glutton, if you were once confined to it. Jesus has set you free today. Jesus has set us a model by coming out of His tomb. He is our ultimate possibility. If He could come out of His tomb, we too can. He is our guarantee. Once again scan your life. See if you have buried yourself in one or another tomb. If you are in one, come out of it. There is no better day to come out of your grave than this Easter day.  Jesus is waiting for you with a welcome smile.     


Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI: Hello, I am Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI, a Catholic priest belonging to the Indian Carmelite order, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), founded by three pious 19th-century priests: Fr. Thomas Palackal, Fr. Thomas Porukara, and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. Currently, I work as a missionary priest working in Peru. May God bless you all!
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