Prayer to the Holy Spirit for Universal Renewal


Holy Spirit,
fulfill in us the work begun by Jesus.
Let our prayer on behalf of the whole world
be fruitful and unwavering.
Hasten the time when each of us
will attain a genuine spiritual life.
Enliven our work that it may reach all human beings,
all who have been redeemed
by the Blood of Christ and all His inheritance.

Take away our natural presumption
and uplift us with a holy humility,
with reverence for God and selfless courage.
Let no vain attachment impede the work of our state in life,
nor personal interest divert us from the demands of justice.
May no scheming on our part reduce love
to our own petty dimensions.
May all be noble in us; the quest and the respect for truth,
and the willingness to sacrifice even to the cross and death.
And may all be accomplished
in accord with the final prayer
of the Son to His heavenly Father
and in accord with the grace
that Father and Son give
through You, the Spirit of love,
to the Church and to her institutions,
to every soul and to all peoples.

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  1. Happy New Year may all who may read this l mean it for you personally may what ever last year was not ok weather by illness,break ups loss of love ones ,friends and what ever eles had a life effect on you or your family,or if single sill the effects of your live may the Love and Blessings of the Most Holy Father,the Holy Blessed Spirit and of Our Lord Jesus Christ in union with his Divine Holy Blessed Mother and Our Mother life those hard events from your shoulders and give them to the power of Our Lord on the Cross ✝️ and pray to Our Most Holy Blessed Mother to grant us the grace to go to confession to receive the Most Holy Mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ ✝️ also pray the prayer for the Holy Souls as much as you can and pray these most Holy 4 words as much as you can to receive the power of these words,
    Jesus,Mary l love on these most Holy 4 words as a doctor would prescribe medicine for your body if sick so thses 4 Holy words have the Holy Grace’s to lift with faith what is impacting on you Spiritually,also praying when the evil one is at your ear pray Lord Jesus Christ have Mercy on me a sinner and the :Unity Prayer: given by Jesus Christ Himself it doesn’t long to pray but has amazing effects on the Devil and all his evil ones Most Holy Rosary and the Holy Divine Mercy every day Our Holy Lord Jesus and Our Holy Mother has given us is life and Spiritually changing to our lives and the Holy Souls and for all we pray for including intentions of those love ones in your life and for all the violence in every country of the world especially what is coming from Our Lord Jesus Christ to stop the disease of sin in this world that used to be viewed immoral but now is the sin of normally,we are called by Jesus to love our Brothers and Sisters but not to love the sin yes this can be very hard to spit the 2 but it can be done this way you also stop more discord which the evil on is bent on doing to be able to take as many Soulds to hell as he can but with asking for the Grace’s we so need from Our Most Holy Blessed Mother to keep our Catholic faith and to fight the traps the devil set the have us fall into sin,l am sharing 💙 this all from my own experiences not just looking from absent of them l am so unworthy sinner but with the Grace of Our Holy Mother to introduce to her Divine Son the Holy Mass more than just on a Sunday,Prayer the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet even if they are all you can pray a day add the 4 Holy Words the Unity Prayer 💙 Holy Confession and the Joy of knowing that Our Lord Jesus Christ,Son of thy Almighty Father and Holy Blessed Spirit and Our Most Holy Mother are always waiting to hear from us,no need of a cell phone as they are 24/7 are here and waiting for us to pray to them know if you think in daylie life you are physically alone when you start a Relationship with Thy Most Holy Father,Son and Holy Spirit thoug Our Most loving and faithful Mercyfull Mother then you will not only have them but Holy St Michael to call out to and all the angels and Holy Staints and Holy Souls your life will change then pay it forward to who you meet that needs this Holy Support trust in God he will never let you down so much that he sent his only son to us though Most Holy Blessed Vigin Mary to Sacfice his Son for Our Sins,God Bless and keep in peace even if your life is in chaos as you believe in the love you ask and you will receive as Our Lord Jesus Christ said also knock and the door will be opened unto you Arem



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