Sixth Sunday of Easter
Also Read: Mass Readings for 5 May 2024 Mass Reading Reflection for 5 May 2024
Gospel: John 15: 9-17
Do you love anyone in your life as Jesus loved you?
Before answering, we need to contemplate how Jesus loved us. He paid a lot to love us. He had to forego the equality with God and leave the heaven for a while. He did it knowing well that many would reject His love. He didn’t have to, yet He put on our human nature because He loved us.
He didn’t have to, yet He was born of the Virgin Mary, into utter poverty, in a manger.
He didn’t have to, yet he went into exile to Egypt and lived the life of a displaced family.
He didn’t have to, yet he learned the alphabet and carpentry like a child.
He didn’t have to, yet He roamed around Galilee and Judea like a wandering nomad in the company of ordinary people.
He didn’t have to, yet He accepted an unjust verdict, humiliation, and an excruciating death on the cross.
All because Jesus loved us.
Jesus is putting the bar of love high. Now the question is repeated, have you ever tried to love the way Jesus loved us?
Love is to put the loved one ahead and above oneself. When your interests, comforts, and well-being take a second seat behind the interests, well-being, and comfort of the other, you have started to love the other.
Love is not about you. It is about the neighbor. With Jesus, no one is an alien to be hated or at war with. If you doubt, read the parable of the good Samaritan. Besides proving a point, Jesus made the Samaritan the story’s hero, validating His point once again.
Loving like Jesus is not an easy task. But it is the final command of Jesus. It is not an advice, it is not a motivational word, but it is a command. To love is not an option, it is a command; it is the final command, period.