“Pray the Rosary Daily and we will have peace in the world”. “Peace by Prayer is a simple, yet powerful message. “Pray the Rosary Daily and we will have Peace in the world.” Throughout the course of history, praying the Rosary is credited with significant military victories and unexplainable miracles. Given all of the examples from the past, there is no doubt that the praying the Rosary has the power to bring peace into people’s lives, even today. Currently, there are wars taking place all over the world, but on a more personal level, we as Christians face battles in our own daily lives.
Morality here in the United States is changing every day and things that were once taboo are becoming cultural norms. We are constantly being bombarded with these messages from the evil one, so it isn’t always easy to find peace in our lives. How can a man be a righteous husband when pornography is so easily accessible? How can a woman care for her children when their father is out of the picture? How do we counsel a pregnant teenager who is considering an abortion? How can we teach our children right from wrong when society says, “Just do what feels good.” The answer? Prayer. God gives us the strength to overcome all temptations and He has the power to bring peace into our lives. When we take time each day to pray the Rosary, we are arming ourselves for our day to day battles between good and evil. With God on our side, nothing is impossible.”
“Peace by Prayer”, This is the guest post Submitted by an Author who would like to remain anonymous. I would like to thank the author of this video for granting permission to share it here. © of this video goes to its respective owner. You are free to share it on any platform.