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HomeHomilySunday Homily - 24 April 2022

Sunday Homily – 24 April 2022

The Sunday of Divine Mercy

Also Read: Mass Readings for 24 April 2022

Today together with the Church we celebrate the Sunday of Divine Mercy. While delivering the sermon on the mount, Jesus said, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” In the Gospel we just heard, we see Jesus going the extra mile for the doubting Thomas. The Divine Sunday reminds us that Jesus has traveled many extra miles for you and for me. Jesus did not stop at giving a glimpse of His resurrected self, but came so close to Thomas to touch, experience, and embrace Him so that he could exclaim, “my Lord and my God!” Jesus walks many extra miles for you and for me, and let us celebrate that, today on this Sunday of Divine Mercy.

According to Pope Francis, Thomas is also called Didymus because we can see our twin brother in him. (Sunday Homilies of Pope Francis, 8 April 2018). St Thomas was adamant in his demand for a personal experience with Jesus. He was not satisfied that Peter, his appointed leader shared his experience. He demanded it although John, the closest disciple confirmed his resurrection. He did not change his mind even when all the ten unanimously proclaimed it.  He demanded a very personal experience. We all need to be a twin of Thomas in demanding a personal experience with Jesus. Never be satisfied with what is told of Jesus, by anyone. Remember what the Samaritans told the Samaritan woman who introduced Jesus to them, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.” Jesus prefers to be touched and experienced and called ‘my God and my Lord’.

In Exodus 20,2 God introduces Himself to the Israelites as “I am the LORD your God”. The heart of divine Mercy is that God loves to have a personal relationship with you and me so that, we can call Him, ‘My God.

Why do you call Jesus God? Is it because somebody told you so? Is it just because you grew up in a Catholic family? Is it because your parish priest or your catechism teacher told you so? You might have started calling Jesus because of any of the reasons cited above. But if you still call Him God for the same reason, you have to worry. It is time to grow. Grow up and have an attachment with Jesus so that you can call Jesus, “my Jesus”.

Some of the best personal experiences with Jesus is that of forgiveness. Any relationship is stronger when forgiveness happens between them. Jesus forgave the denial and deserting of the disciples without uttering a word. He repeatedly said, “peace be with you.” He took initiative to pass the door closed between them. His forgiveness made the disciples far closer to Jesus. Let us ask Jesus to break our barrios of fear, shame, and resignation and grant us a very personal experience. An experience similar to that He granted Thomas, our twin in doubt.

Jesus, we thank you for walking many extra miles for us and now make all of us call you ‘my God’!


Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI
Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI
Hello, I am Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI, a Catholic priest belonging to the Indian Carmelite order, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), founded by three pious 19th-century priests: Fr. Thomas Palackal, Fr. Thomas Porukara, and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. Currently, I work as a missionary priest working in Peru. May God bless you all!

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