Also Read: Mass Readings for 07 August 2022 Mass Reading Reflection for 07 August 2022
Gospel: Luke 12: 32-48
“Do not be afraid!” It is a simple phrase repeated multiple times in the Gospels. We hear it first when Archangel Gabriel salutes Zacharias and then as he salutes Our Lady. Jesus repeats it numerous times during his public life. It is time to take it as a command rather than advice. We need to meditate deeply on it. We need to make it our character.
Fear is a much-abused emotion. Those who know well to exploit our fear shall gather our votes, sell us products, and rob our peace. It is time to introspect and see if we are driven by fear, or by trust in God. We are here and now, not because of those who feared, but because of those who refused to fear.
Thank the parents who refused to fear to give you birth and nurture.
Thank the teachers and mentors who did not fear teaching you life’s core values.
Thank the preachers who were unafraid to preach Jesus. Yes, many are afraid to preach Jesus.
Thank your friends, who were not afraid to stay close to you, when you had the worst of times.
Thank them, who did not fear to forgive you and be generous with you.
Thank them, who are not afraid to love you, care for you, and protect you.
And finally, ask yourself if you are afraid.
Are you afraid to forgive?
Are you afraid of being generous?
Are you afraid to side with life and family?
Are you afraid to give, expecting nothing in return?
Are you afraid to side with Jesus and his Church no matter what?
Be fearless; take side with Jesus; take side with Jesus always.
Let us go back to Jesus, who reassures us that we have our Father in heaven, who is pleased to give us the Kingdom. Return home, leaving your fears and anxieties right in front of the altar, promising Jesus that you will talk about him whenever you get a chance.
Yes, Jesus reassures you and commands you, “do not be afraid.”