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HomeHomilySunday Homily - 23 April 2023

Sunday Homily – 23 April 2023

Third Sunday of Easter

Also Read: Mass Readings for 23 April 2023 Mass Reading Reflection for 23 April 2023

Gospel: Luke 24:13-35

Be happy! You have a God willing to walk the extra mile with you! In fact, He walks not just one mile, but He walks with us through all our miles. Yes, we have reasons to be happy. We have reasons to be grateful.

What we just read is more than an episode from the Bible, it is a guarantee that we have a God unwilling to give up easily. He willingly steps in when we are down and is ready to give up.

The two disciples gave up on Jesus. They were walking away from Jerusalem. They were walking away from Jesus. They were trying to escape even from the memories of Jesus. But Jesus did not give up on them. Because they were so dear to Him.

It is a warning too, never ever give up on Jesus. It is a bad bet. Letting down someone who never wants to let you down is such a betrayal. Who else is willing to walk with you for so long? He is not just walking with us, but as the disciples told us, He is setting our hearts on fire. Never let the fire go off. Always keep the fire strong, and share the fire with others as they did. They did not wait till morning to return to Jerusalem. They left Jerusalem with total darkness in their hearts. But they returned with hearts set on fire by Jesus. It did not matter that the road was dark and unsafe to travel. The fire was so compelling that they had to return to Jerusalem immediately and share the fire with the rest of their friends.

Evangelization is nothing but sharing of the flame within. If you don’t share the gospel, it just means you haven’t let Jesus set you on fire. You are yet to let Jesus work within you. Joy shared is joy doubled. If you have the joy of resurrection keep sharing it. Evangelization is the sharing of the joy of resurrection. Start and continue sharing the joy of the resurrection with your close relatives to the large circle of family, friends, and colleagues.

Jesus walking with the disciples is a lesson for all of us.

Don’t give up on your beloved ones. Don’t give up on your family for any reason. Don’t give up even if they give up on you. Give them a second chance. If needed give them more chances as Jesus did. Jesus teaches us with His own example. Even when the disciples gave up on Him, he went after them time and again. Let the forgiving Jesus be our permanent role model in our relationships.

Let Jesus set your hearts on fire once again!


Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI
Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI
Hello, I am Fr. Bobby Joseph CMI, a Catholic priest belonging to the Indian Carmelite order, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), founded by three pious 19th-century priests: Fr. Thomas Palackal, Fr. Thomas Porukara, and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. Currently, I work as a missionary priest working in Peru. May God bless you all!

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