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HomeMass ReadingDaily Mass Readings for Thursday, 17 July 2025

Daily Mass Readings for Thursday, 17 July 2025

Ordinary Weekday

First Reading: Exodus 3: 13-20
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 105: 1 and 5, 8-9, 24-25, 26-27
Alleluia: Matthew 11: 28
Gospel: Matthew 11: 28-30
Lectionary: 392

First Reading: Exodus 3: 13-20

13 Moses said to God: Lo, I shall go to the children of Israel, and say to them: The God of your fathers hath sent me to you. If they should say to me: What is his name? what shall I say to them?

14 God said to Moses: I AM WHO AM. He said: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: HE WHO IS, hath sent me to you.

15 And God said again to Moses: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me to you: This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

16 Go, gather together the ancients of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared to me, saying: Visiting I have visited you: and I have seen all that hath befallen you in Egypt.

17 And I have said the word to bring you forth out of the affliction of Egypt, into the land of the Chanaanite, the Hethite, and the Amorrhite, and Pherezite, and Hevite, and Jebusite, to a land that floweth with milk and honey.

18 And they shall hear thy voice: and thou shalt go in, thou and the ancients of Israel, to the king of Egypt, and thou shalt say to him: The Lord God of the Hebrews hath called us: we will go three days’ journey into the wilderness, to sacrifice unto the Lord our God.

19 But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go, but by a mighty hand.

20 For I will stretch forth my hand and will strike Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in the midst of them: after these he will let you go.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 105: 1 and 5, 8-9, 24-25, 26-27

R. (8a) The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.


R. Alleluia.

1 Alleluia. Give glory to the Lord, and call upon his name: declare his deeds among the Gentiles.

5 Remember his marvellous works which he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.

R. The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.


R. Alleluia.

8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever: the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.

9 Which he made to Abraham; and his oath to Isaac:

R. The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.


R. Alleluia.

24 And he increased his people exceedingly: and strengthened them over their enemies,

25 He turned their heart to hate his people: and to deal deceitfully with his servants.

R. The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.


R. Alleluia.

26 He sent Moses his servant: Aaron the man whom he had chosen.

27 He gave them power to shew his signs, and his wonders in the land of Cham.

R. The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.


R. Alleluia.

Alleluia: Matthew 11: 28

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

28 Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest, says the Lord.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel: Matthew 11: 28-30

28 Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you.

29 Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.

30 For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.

The readings on this page are taken from the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible. You can also read the Mass Readings taken from the New Jerusalem Bible, which is used at Mass in most of the English-speaking world. (References, Copyrights).
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Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine is the founder of Catholic Gallery. He is a passionate Writer, An Artist, a computer geek and a part-time Blogger who loves to write a lot of contents on Catholicism in his free time. He is the founder of the Technical Blog, where he shares a lot of technical Contents. Stay connected with him on his social profiles.

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