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HomeDRC - BiblePsalms - Chapter 79 - DRB

Psalms – Chapter 79 – DRB

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Psalms Chapters

1 A psalm for Asaph. O God, the heathens are come into thy inheritance, they have defiled thy holy temple: they have made Jerusalem as a place to keep fruit.

2 They have given the dead bodies of thy servants to be meat for the fowls of the air: the flesh of thy saints for the beasts of the earth.

3 They have poured out their blood as water, round about Jerusalem and there was none to bury them.

4 We are become a reproach to our neighbours: a scorn and derision to them that are round about us.

5 How long, O Lord, wilt thou be angry for ever: shall thy zeal be kindled like a fire?

6 Pour out thy wrath upon the nations that have not known thee: and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name.

7 Because they have devoured Jacob; and have laid waste his place.

8 Remember not our former iniquities: let thy mercies speedily prevent us, for we are become exceeding poor.

9 Help us, O God, our saviour: and for the glory of thy name, O Lord, deliver us: and forgive us our sins for thy name’s sake:

10 Lest they should say among the Gentiles: Where is their God? And let him be made known among the nations before our eyes, By the revenging the blood of thy servants, which hath been shed:

11 Let the sighing of the prisoners come in before thee. According to the greatness of thy arm, take possession of the children of them that have been put to death.

12 And render to our neighbours sevenfold in their bosom: the reproach wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord.

13 But we thy people, and the sheep of thy pasture, will give thanks to thee for ever. We will shew forth thy praise, unto generation and generation.

Scripture texts are taken from the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible (Verse Numbering modified to match NAB). Read the daily Mass Readings taken from the New Jerusalem Bible or Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible.
Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine is the founder of Catholic Gallery. He is a passionate Writer, An Artist, a computer geek and a part-time Blogger who loves to write a lot of contents on Catholicism in his free time. He is the founder of the Technical Blog, where he shares a lot of technical Contents. Stay connected with him on his social profiles.

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